Monday, June 21, 2010

Hope is better.

Hope is doing great. She's completely over her latest vomitting episode and back to smiling and filling her diaper, and having between 10-20 seizures a day. Normal!

Now that everything has settled for a moment, I can post a few more pics of our Montreal trip. The first thing we did after we arrived was go for a walk around Downtown. You can see Brodie and his Aunt walking...
Then Aunty Deanna made Jolene ride a 'bixy'... which is a commuter bike that is used around downtown Montreal. We ended up using these bikes a few times when the walks got too long for Alex's sore ankle (which is almost healed).

There is a lot of interesting places to wander of course...

In the evening, we went to see Aunty Deanna's office and check out the 'bubble' which was a room on the 40th floor that we would later return to, so that we could watch the fireworks.

We got to sleep in the next morning, then go to church at the Notre Dame Basillica. Then we had a picnic before we went to Circ de Sole (? spelling). It was a great show and Brodie was excited to get a very fun hat.

Brodie's favorite thing about the trip was the 'buzzing' feature of the apartment building. He was very quick to answer the buzz and let us into the apartment if he and Aunty Deanna beat us back.

We slept in again, found our Tim Hortons and Starbucks, then went to the St. Joseph's Oratory, which was my favorite part of the trip. Then we went to the Biodome and Brodie went crazy taking photo's (which I have spared you).

This is the day we left...

It was a wonderful trip. Thanks Aunty Deanna!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Trip...

We went on a trip. The girls had a respite weekend away, and we flew to Montreal to visit Alex's sister Deanna. It was a great trip, full of sightseeing and morning sleep-ins.

I would like to say the girls did well, but unfortunately, Hope started one of her vomitting episodes while we were gone. She's been sick since last Sunday, and today she has not vomitted, but she hasn't had a wet diaper yet either. It makes me so sad, to see her sick again. I was really enjoying her little smiles.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


We're doing well. I'm six months pregnant and feeling a lot of movement and the pregnancy has been very easy so far. Ashley is back to moaning a LOT, and the clonidine drowsy effect has completely worn off and although we still give the clonidine, it doesn not help her at all. Hope is cute and cuddley with precious little half smiles for us, when ever we give her some attention.

This past weekend, I ventured out to Killarney with the kids while Alex stayed home to work on the deck. Brodie had some fun playing with his cousins Titus and Vienna at the farm. He even declared Titus's dog to be a very nice dog. He's getting a bit braver with pets, although he stays far away from the one's that jump on him.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I'm feeling sleepy these days and so is Ashley. The Clonidine makes her pretty drowsy, but it's cute to see her fall asleep in our arms...

Lucky for Brodie, his daddy can hold Ashley and play Wii at the same time! Oh and he's icing his foot about multi-tasking!