Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Lift

The wheelchair lift was installed in our garage last week, and we've used it every day. What a handy thing (especially for my back and shoulders). I would say that Brodie likes it the best. He uses it every opportunity he gets.


Candace said...

That is so nice....well, as nice as a lift can be....glad its working out!!!

Anonymous said...

So very happy for your new lift. I remember discussing this with you for your Harbour Bay house. Now it's a reality for you. So glad things worked out so well, and you seem to have a champion in command of the lift!! Way to go, Brodie.

Love Madelaine & Phil

Anonymous said...

Excellent! very snazzy princess lift! With a faithful captain at the helm (Brodie)
and mommy can save those muscles .

Joe and Meredith said...
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Joe and Meredith said...

This is awesome. I'm happy that you had the garage space for this lift. We look forward to having our first ever garage in a few weeks so we can dream too. What are we thinking, living this far north without a garage?