Thursday, April 2, 2009

Brodie's Home

I'm so happy to have Brodie home, his hugs are the best. He's hugged and cuddled the girls and updated me on all the fun he had at Grandma and Grandpa Neufeld's.

Tommorrow we go to Brodie's eye appointment. The first one since January. It will be good to know if he's made any progress with all the patch wearing. He wears his patch for 25 hours per week, and his glasses all the time. For those of you who don't recall, we are trying to strengthen his right eye which had very little sight due to the strength of the Left eye (the left eye was strong, so it stole most of the neurons in his brain - plan: cover up the strong eye, so the weak eye has to work, thereby stealing back some neurons.).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Grandma Joan is in the photo.

Glad everything is working out so well, we keep thinking of Hope and know God is always in Control!! love, Madelaine