Friday, April 15, 2011


Yep, we took a little trip to Emerg today.  While I was out for a bit of respite, my helper, Ashley J., called to tell me that we had a problem.  Hope's G-tube (feeding tube) had fallen out, and yes, Ashley had tried to put a new one in but it wouldn't go in.  So, I rushed home, thinking that I would have 'no mercy' and just shove that thing in (because I had no intention of letting Hope have surgery to get another one, and I just don't go to Emerg if I can help it).  Well, my attempts made no difference.  Hope's stoma had swelled instantly and closed the hole to a very small little opening.  While I was on my way home, I had asked Ashley to find the bag of nasogastric tubes that I still had from years ago.  She found them and inserted one into the hole so that it wouldn't close any further.

So, we packed up Mira and Hope, brought all the meds and tubes and suction machine, and started off for Childrens Emerg (anticipating a long stay).  I was very impressed with our nurse.  She was able to dilate the hole for us, and get the new tube in with very little trouble, and we didn't even have to see a doctor.  She even gave us supplies so that I could do this at home, if it ever happens again.  Back home we went, and we even beat Brodie's bus home.  What a fun little adventure!  Of course, it helped that Ashley J. was able to stay longer and help me with the packing, travelling and unpacking.

Now, Hope is back on her couch, looking fairly comfortable.  I did give her some tylenol because I'm sure all that poking was not fun for her.

We did have a little moment when we checked in at Emerg and I hadn't mentioned that Hope is palliative care.  They check vital signs at the triage desk.  Hope's oxygen saturation was only 91% and her heart rate was 142.  I was sitting there looking at the numbers and thinking, "Oh, that's interesting...I always wondered how her sats were...".   Then I noticed the triage nurse watching the numbers with a look of concern, and then I remembered to mention that Hope is palliative care and she shouldn't worry about the numbers.  She nodded in understanding and then we were promptly moved into a room, where our nurse showed up fairly quickly.  I wonder if they thought they should keep us moving, just in case (Te he... they don't know how resilient Hope is).


the NC Froese's said...

There never is a dull moment at the Allen house is there?!!? Glad to see by your teehee at the end of the blog that you are still keeping your sense of humor.

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for all of you to have a great
sleep tonight. {Courage, faith and laughter}
are amazing traits; in the midst of a crisis.

Brenda K.

joan said...

love your spirit, keep on trucking:)

Anonymous said...

It sounds so much like the problems we had working on the unit i used to work on, we often would find a smaller tube to use temporarily. Quick thinking Jolene, way to go. I agree you wouldn`t want the surgery again. Have a good day. Love you Anita