Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Continue or not...

The same question keeps coming up, "Will you continue the blog?", and usually I answer with a casual 'yes'.  I don't see why I shouldn't continue sharing the final stage of this journey, which is the grieving stage.  The updates will be fewer and maybe some people will not be interested, but this is not my concern.  This blog has not been about popularity or appealing to the interest of others.  It has been a place to share this journey with the people who care.  It has been an avenue of support as people read and try to understand how this experience has changed us.

I don't imagine that everyone will find it necessary or interesting to walk this grief road with me.  I know that Ashley and Hope provided the life of this story and with the end of their lives, the story appears to be done.  But I am not done!  I am here, thinking about them and remembering them and trying to figure out how to move on.  So, I will write and if no one reads, that is okay.  I am guessing that I will continue for about a year, but that is not set in stone.

We just returned from a little get-away.  Mira travelled very well and it was a treat to go with Alex on his work trip.  Check out Mira on the train...

What a good little girl!


Kristen said...

Consider your blog as an outlet for your grief. You'll probably find that there are times when you feel like writing more and then weeks where you feel like being 'quiet'. Always thinking about you...

Jolene said...

Thanks, Kristen. You are so right, it is an outlet for grief.

Anonymous said...

Although the journey is different, it is still a journey.
I look forward to your continued honesty about what this part of your journey teaches you, so you can share that with us. At each post I read, I seem to take away something important - so keep it up as long as you want to. I will certainly look forward to it.

Anonymous said...

I will continue checking in on your blog, (to me) "you are the young teen who was once part of our youth group" who has now passed some of life's hardest tests. So--I have this special opportunity to listen & learn about your continuing journey with God.

Brenda K.

Anonymous said...

I have often read your blog. If it wasn`t for you i`d know nothing of the illness your girls had. My heart goes out to you, you did everything you could possibly do to make your girls safe and happy. Now it`s your turn, i thnk blogging will be a wonderful outlet for your hurts and pain. You have lost two children and now need to begin the grieving process with people who care about you.
God bless you and your family. Carol

joan said...

Jolene, we love reading your blog and seeing the pics. We are with you to the end of your journey and beyond. Love & hugs from mom & dad

Madelaine said...

Jolene - - I LOVE that you are continuing for now. We appreciate the pictures. It's like a lifeline from you to all of us, your family and friends. We are always praying and remembering your family. The pics of Mira are just so priceless!!

Anonymous said...

I will continue to read your blog. Your posts when the girls were alive were inspiring to see the blessings in their lives, as well as how to pray specifically for all of you. Now, I see someone who shows how not to take for granted the blessings we continue to have; especially the growth and milestones of Mira, and Brodie too. Know you will continue to be prayed for.(from one of the caregivers at the Moms program at FGMB in your time there)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for continuing to blog. It is a wonderful connection to you and your thoughts as you continue your journey. This is a blog that is honest,tender and teaches. It teaches about love.

We are with you through your grief....thinking of you.