Saturday, August 27, 2011

Moving forward...

We're back!  After the funeral, we took a break and left the city for the Lake.  It was a much needed retreat.  The funeral was beautiful and felt so perfect.  I was able to add a few special touches that I didn't get to do for Ashley's funeral, and that made me happy.  We sang "Blessed Be the Lord" at the graveside and I sang it for both girls.  And then I felt peace.  I gave them both, the best that I had.

Moving forward from this point will hold a lot of unknowns, and I am so glad that we had time to rest together.  It is truly amazing how nature can feed the soul and remind one how to be thankful.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that your family was able to get away and heal together. I hope it gave you much peace and calmness that you needed after all the funeral. You should be proud that you gave the girls more than the best everyday. You were brave and strong and always had their best interests first. You gave them the best they could have had on earth. Now, it is time for you. To heal, to grow, and to find a new normal.

Thinking of you.

Elise said...

I'm so thankful that you had time to rest, feel peace and be still. You truly did give Ashley and Hope the best! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you slowly move forward. Lots of love, Elise

Anonymous said...

Healing light somehow shines through all darkness--On the journey through your sadness--there is a light that will help you find--a tender reassurance, and some peace of heart and mind--It's the light of loving memories,with their gentle guiding glow--that will grace your days and smooth your paths wherever you may go--Jolene and Alex--Time passes quickly--grief does not--Just give your self all the time you need begin the healing process--There are so many people who are carrying you with their prayers. Johnny and Helen

Anonymous said...

You are in our prayer; hoping to have supper with your Mom & Dad in the next week. You & Alex are a rock of faith for others to take hold of.

Ken & Brenda

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you were able to get away for a much deserved rest.The picture of the family by the lake looked so peaceful. I always had for the water whenever I am troubled. Marie McConnell

Anonymous said...

What a special gift your daughters gave you and your family, their love and trust and enjoyment of the lives they had and the memories they were creating. What amazing people you are to have accepted their gift with such grace and perseverance. I wish for your family more joy and happiness as you work through your losses than the sad times.