Thursday, September 11, 2008

First Day Home

Hope had a very good first day home. It was very easy to think we could just get back to normal and forget about the last week. She drank her bottles and took her medicine and now she's in her bed. She had a lot of smiles and coo's. As you can see in this photo, she still appears to have some problem moving the left side of her face, but it doesn't stop her from smiling. Perhaps this is why she's having more trouble with her bottle.


SmokeyWoofs said...

Jolene, thank you for sharing these updates. You have been very gracious in your comments to those of us who are thinking of you. Your family is beautiful.

Helen M.

Theresa said...


You and your family are truely remarkable. Even though we are miles apart our thoughts and prayers will be with you each day.

Love Theresa, Derek, Reese and Spencer

andrew + camille said...

wow, she looks so cute! so much like your dad, i think!
we love you, and we're praying!