Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Here we are having playtime this morning. Brodie did a good job of showing the girls how to play school. Tommorrow will be fun. Brodie's class needs volunteers to help make gingerbread cookies. So, I'm going and the girl's are coming with me! Should be interesting.

Hope still cries every day, but can be consoled after 30 minutes of cuddling. Unfortunately, if I put her down, she starts crying right away and it takes me another 30 minutes to get her to stop. So, I'm not sure if this is better. If she is to be calm, then I have to hold her for 8 hours. Although the crying only started at 5pm this evening, instead of 3pm.

Brodie is so excited that his sisters are going to see his classroom and friends. If Hope starts crying, we'll be leaving early, but at least we tried.


Anonymous said...

Hello and Happy New Year to all of you Allens,

We've been following your blog for quite a while, but hadn't checked until recently. Why does Brodie need an eye patch? (I must have missed that somewhere). My brother had to wear one for a while when he was younger because he had a lazy eye. I had two lazy eyes and had surgery to fix both of them. Tell Brodie to hang in there, he will be happy when he's older that he went through it now.

We pray for Ashley and Hope, but just as much for you other three. We pray that Brodie continues to be his upbeat, adorable self - from your posts, he seems to be able to bring a lightness to the house, and he sounds like an amazing big brother. We pray that you and Alex find time to take care of yourselves, because you won't have anything to give if you are running on empty.

Thank you for posting on the blog, because I think Paul gets a little tired of us asking him for updates...

Thinking of you all,
Karina, Glen and Beth

Anonymous said...

Oh, I wish I could see Brodie in his classroom. That will be special to have his sisters there, and it's good for other children to see our special angels!! Cute, when you talk about the playtime. What a great brother your girls have. Love you all. Praying for you, Madelaine

Anonymous said...

Have fun today Jolene - Brodie must be so excited and proud!

Anonymous said...

Enjoy making cookies with Brodie -he is going to be so happy to share something so special with you and the girls!!