Wednesday, March 24, 2010

more vomitt...

This pic was taken in Sept/08 when Hope was 14 months old. The same month that she started deteriorating a year and a half ago.

This morning I got up to find Hope and a puddle of brown, icky vomitt (her stomach started bleeding again). This I expected, and last night before I went to bed, I positioned her well enough that her face wasn't laying in the puddle this morning (my biggest concern because her face gets rashy and bleeding when this happens). It's always hard to position her, because her seizures become so intense during these episodes, that her little body is thrown all over the place. Luckily, the head banana's helped keep her head from flopping down into the puke puddle. Head banana's are the white, soft pillow things holding up Hope's head in the photo above.
Hope was puking every 5-10 minutes last night, for about 3 hours before we went to bed. Alex stayed up longer so that he could suction her, and then I got up earlier, to try and limit the time that she's puking by herself. Her little stomach just heaves and heaves, and it's so sad to watch.
This morning she's only puking about every 20-30 minutes, and it's coloured with old blood becuase her esophagus breaks down and bleeds with all the vomitting. Her seizures are worse this morning, more frequent and more violent, but that is becuase she hasn't kept a drop of anything, including meds down since 1pm yesterday. She hasn't had a wet diaper either, but that makes sense with the lack of fluid.
Overall, it sounds bad and it looks bad...but she's done all this before. In fact she does this every month and I just happened to give you a more detailed picture this time. She'll get over it like she always does and then we'll carry on. In the meantime, she's stuck on the couch and not travelling anywhere.


Joan said...

I see our Lord strengthening you physically and emotionally, may you feel His arms around you today.
Love from Mom

Elise said...

Poor little girl! We'll be praying!

Anonymous said...

poor little Hope! I read your blog regularily, Jolene. You are such a great Mom. I admire you.
With prayers, Erica (from Mom's group at Fort Garry)

Anonymous said...

p.s. that is such a cute picture of Hope:)