Thursday, February 17, 2011


It is Ashley's sixth birthday today.  Six years ago we welcomed her into our family, excited to have a little girl to join Brodie who was 2 years old at the time.

Today, Ashley is pretty sick.  Her breathing is fast and laboured.  Her chest doesn't sound too good and she's got a bit of a fever.  We've tried to cuddle her today, but she's more comfortable when she's lying down. 


Anonymous said...

Sweet Ashley! So good you updated all of us, on how she is doing. Have been thinking of you all day, and praying for her. Love Madelaine

Judith said...

Happy Birthday Ashley! Jocelyne was the one who remembered your birthday (just a moment ago!). And cousin Daniel's birthday is tomorrow and Brodie's was yesterday!! (Remember how we joked about how she was a "rose between two thorns"?) Hope she is comfortable and not getting any worse.


Kristen said...

Happy birthday Ashley! Feel better soon!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ashley!!!!! You are all in our thoughts and prayers!

Elise said...

Happy Birthday Ashley! Praying for you all.