Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Monthly vomitt episode!

Yep, Hopey is sick again.  She's just recovering from her monthly vomitting episode.  She started on Sunday, and today is keeping water and meds down.  In the next couple days, she should be back to her normal self, but today she's fairly unresponsive.

Ashley just got on the bus to go to school.  It's so cute to hear the kids when the wheelchair lift is going up into the bus..."Ashley!  Ashley!".  Kids are great.

Alex is gone again this week, so we're having fun all by ourselves.  We're getting used to it, this is the third week in a row.  I'm starting to REALLY appreciate the moments when I get out of the house.  Luckily I have a lot to keep me busy, so I'm never bored!  I'm feeling especially bouncy today, because my wonderful respite worker was here this morning till 10am (I still find it amazing that she comes to help me before she goes to class).  I was able to go for a walk, finish my 20 minutes of stretching, get to the chiropractor (he's the only reason my neck and shoulders don't scream in pain all day) and get a coffee from Starbucks. 

After all that, I had time for cuddles with each of my girls and that's the best part of all.  Mira kept trying to grab Hopey's nose.  To cute!

Hugs to Alex who isn't feeling well today.  Hopefully this pic will brighten his day.


Judith said...

Ha ha. Love Mira's hair! Looks like Ashley's crazy hair a couple of posts ago. She sure is getting big!

Anonymous said...

Hi - glad to hear you can get out and walk, and grab a Starbucks!! Hope Alex feels better soon, and Hope is back to normal ASAP. LOVE Mira's smiles,,,,,,my, they must brighten your day!!

love Madelaine

Anonymous said...

I can,t believe how big Mira is getting. I am looking forward to getting home so I can come for a visit and cuddle with all the girls.I followed your information and visited your new friends blog. She sounds as thrilled as you to have someone to talk to.
Marie McConnell

Katie said...

What a cutie Mira is, she's getting so big. What a smile :D love it!