Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Doing well...

Hope is better and full of smiles.  You should see how excited she gets when we have 'playtime'.  Playtime is her stretches and excercises, which she loves.  She's responded well to the diazepam and isn't quite as stiff, but her increased tone has made it obvious that she's changing.  Her feet are so twisted now that I can't put her in the stander, or put shoes on her feet.  We have to decide if we're going to make special splints for her feet, so that we can continue to use the stander.  The stander isn't a necessity, so I'm not sure that I'm going to bother with it.  It is nice to have an alternate position for Hope in the stander though...and it's so good for her lungs when she's standing upright.

Brodie is still fabulous with Hope and Mira.  You can see Brodie and Savannah (our baby-loving neighbour), in the photo below, with Mira.  Lately I've been making good use of Mira's "slappy hands".  I sit at the piano with her and let her slap to her hearts content.  She loves it!!!


Judith said...

Wow, tough call with Hope. I would probably vote for keeping the stander if it helps her lungs (but then I have no idea how hard it will be to use the splints or how hard it will be for you guys to continue doing it).
Great call on letting Mira "practice" on the piano! Maybe she'll show us she's got some talent. I'd love to see her face when she's making "music".

Anonymous said...

Nice glasses, Brodie! -Elise