Thursday, November 27, 2008


When Hope starts crying in the evening, there is just no stopping her. I think I just need to give up on trying to console her, it's impossible. She was having so many seizures, and crying so much, I decided to try the midazolam again. Did it help? NO! Not only did it not help with the seizures, she didn't even get drowsy. She just kept on screaming for another hour. Eventually, she started calming down on her own, and now (at 10pm), I can hear her in her bed making little 'ahhwooo' noises, that sound suspiciously happy. Interesting.

As you see in the photo above, we had a day in the vehicle, going to appointments. Brodie and I picked up our new glasses, and Brodie did very well. He didn't fuss at all about wearing them, but he won't let me take a picture yet. He's going to wear them to school tommorrow, at least that's what we discussed and planned. I'll be surprised if he actually leaves the house with them on his face. It worked out rather well that my glasses broke last week, and I was choosing new glasses at the same time as him. Now he thinks it's a competition to see who is cuter! He is, of course.
You can see Ashley in this photo, all bundled up in a fantastic snowsuit that was made for her. It was made nice and warm, with zippers down both legs, and a blanket to go with it. We have so much trouble keeping her warm, this is just perfect. Thank you so much to Sheila in Haywood, you have blessed us.


Candace said...

Aww that is such a cute picture of them!!! Glad to see your surviving the week without Alex. Elle may be coming home tomorrow....finally its taking forever. Have a great weekend!!!!!!

andrew + camille said...

Ok, i disagree, i think you're pretty darn cute yourself! Especially with glasses. You'll look extra Neufeld-y now. he he.

love you!