Sunday, November 30, 2008


We had a lovely, uneventful day at home. We enjoyed having Alex home, and didn't even mind watching football all day! Hope had a good evening last evening (no crying) and so far this evening, she's full of happy coo's. Nice to hear.


Susan said...

Hi Jolene,
Glad to hear Alex is home, and I'm glad you had an uneventful day. Those are really nice! Thanks for the comment on my blog the other day; it was a really neat surprise! We've spent the weekend putting up shelves in our living room...seems like one thing always leads to another. We just wanted to upgrade our TV, which led to a new TV stand which led to a bookshelf which led to a dvd shelf which led to a bunch of light fixutures...three trips to the store and two days later and I think we are nearly ready to settle in and watch a movie. Let's hope we've got the right cables...! Anyway, all of this to just say hi and I think you are fabulous!



Anonymous said...

alex - is that a texans shirt you're wearing??? i thought you were all about Da Bears!!

p.s. Vikings Beat the Bears!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO

* camille & andrew :) he he